Funding opportunities

FutureFoodS will launch six external calls and various in-kind activities over ten years. These calls will encourage participation from diverse sectors by requiring projects to cover at all three dimensions of sustainability and adopt inter- and transdisciplinary and trans-sectoral approaches​

First Joint Transnational Co-Funded Call of the FutureFoodS Partnership

We are excited to announce that the pre-proposal submission period for the FutureFoodS Partnership’s First Transnational Co-Funded Call – "Transforming Food Systems: Reshaping Food System Interactions, Fostering Food Innovations, and Empowering Sustainable Food Choices" – has successfully ended.

This call unites 36 funding organizations from 19 countries and the European Commission, jointly committing up to 40 million Euros to support innovative research and development projects focused on creating a sustainable food future.

We are happy to share that a total of 275 pre-proposals has been submitted, contributing to one of the following key topics:

  • Topic 1: The way towards sustainable and resilient food systems85 pre-proposals

  • Topic 2: New foods – Fostering innovations in food design, processing and supply via demand and supply reorientation – 134 pre-proposals

  • Topic 3: Empowering sustainable food choices – Enabling food environments and dietary shifts – 63 pre-proposals

This represents a strong commitment from nearly 1700 researchers across Europe who joined forces to develop innovative research for sustainable food systems transformation.

Call for Experts: Closed

The FutureFoodS partnership has inviting qualified experts to join its International Expert Panel (IEP) to support the evaluation of proposals for upcoming funding calls. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to advancing research and innovation for a sustainable food future. This call is now closed.

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